It's Dinner Time for the Caspian Tern

We arrived at the marsh just in time when the Caspian Tern was catching his dinner. It is really fun to watch them. Just imagine being five meters above the water and seeing fish. No, I cannot; I have my own focusing issues. This is something that Caspian Terns can do very well. I almost wanted to say 'got the eyes of the hawk', but Tern has his own excellent fishing eyes.

The weather was really nice—lots of sun and clouds to give shade every few minutes because of the wind. The wind also created lots of ripples on the marsh, and this is where we (me and my second half) come to play.

I have noticed that terns are hovering closer to the boardwalk rather than deeper into the marsh. The ripples have created visibility issues, and the Caspian Tern hovered over the non-rippled areas, one of which was closer to the boardwalk. Well, who was on the boardwalk—us, photographing the bird trying to catch the fish? But today was not a successful day for the terns. I even heard for the first time their squawking sound—was that a cry for the fish? Probably.

~ Anna
