Believe or not today is exactly two months of My Only Photo blog. Wow I actually lasted that long, and actually generated over 100 posts. I am proud of myself, and I am glad that I have entered the world of blogging community and met many wonderful bloggers.
I will be honest with everyone, when I arrived, I did not know what to expect, and I thought that blogging is all about one way blogging . That cannot be that hard. I get one post a day, and cool, then people visit and I am done. But I was wrong. It is a two way relationship, and the first person that thought me this was Bob from Blackholes and Astrostuff. At first I thought who is this guy, I am not into astronomy that much I only take photos of the Moon and know nothing else, and at that time I had only few photos of the Moon, and he is professional (you should see his telescope) and I am not sure if I can keep up to his standards. Well, Bob kept coming back for more photos and actually appreciated them. And I started to learn more and more from him, and thanks to him I was able to photograph the Perseid's Meteor Shower on August 12th and Lunar Eclipse on Aug 28th, and now I am anticipating to develop new interest like astronomy, more astro-photography. Bob was also the first to give me an award of the 'Rockin' Girl Blogger' on Aug 9th.
Twenty days later, that is today on Aug 29th, I got second award 'I Love Your Blog!' from Kathy Libby - a Photography by KML. Kathy and I have both something in common, we both got photo blogs and we both share our thoughts through photography. I really enjoy photography of others and explore others ideas and Kathy's photography is one them. She also has web photo gallery where I sometimes sneak in.
So what's next. The 'Rockin' Girl Blogger award arrived too soon for me and 'I Love Your Blog' came just in time. I could not just give this award to anybody, but 'now' I definitely know who will be the candidates of the two awards. I will be working on some blog reviews of the not revealed yet 'awarded bloggers' in the next days or so, and in the mean time enjoy this photo - flowers from my mom's garden.
I will be honest with everyone, when I arrived, I did not know what to expect, and I thought that blogging is all about one way blogging . That cannot be that hard. I get one post a day, and cool, then people visit and I am done. But I was wrong. It is a two way relationship, and the first person that thought me this was Bob from Blackholes and Astrostuff. At first I thought who is this guy, I am not into astronomy that much I only take photos of the Moon and know nothing else, and at that time I had only few photos of the Moon, and he is professional (you should see his telescope) and I am not sure if I can keep up to his standards. Well, Bob kept coming back for more photos and actually appreciated them. And I started to learn more and more from him, and thanks to him I was able to photograph the Perseid's Meteor Shower on August 12th and Lunar Eclipse on Aug 28th, and now I am anticipating to develop new interest like astronomy, more astro-photography. Bob was also the first to give me an award of the 'Rockin' Girl Blogger' on Aug 9th.

And thanks for leaving a comment on Peripheral Vision.
You rock!!!
Hugs, JJ