Unexpected Awards And Appreciated

Believe or not today is exactly two months of My Only Photo blog. Wow I actually lasted that long, and actually generated over 100 posts. I am proud of myself, and I am glad that I have entered the world of blogging community and met many wonderful bloggers.

I will be honest with everyone, when I arrived, I did not know what to expect, and I thought that blogging is all about one way blogging . That cannot be that hard. I get one post a day, and cool, then people visit and I am done. But I was wrong. It is a two way relationship, and the first person that thought me this was Bob from Blackholes and Astrostuff. At first I thought who is this guy, I am not into astronomy that much I only take photos of the Moon and know nothing else, and at that time I had only few photos of the Moon, and he is professional (you should see his telescope) and I am not sure if I can keep up to his standards. Well, Bob kept coming back for more photos and actually appreciated them. And I started to learn more and more from him, and thanks to him I was able to photograph the Perseid's Meteor Shower on August 12th and Lunar Eclipse on Aug 28th, and now I am anticipating to develop new interest like astronomy, more astro-photography. Bob was also the first to give me an award of the 'Rockin' Girl Blogger' on Aug 9th.
Twenty days later, that is today on Aug 29th, I got second award 'I Love Your Blog!' from Kathy Libby - a Photography by KML. Kathy and I have both something in common, we both got photo blogs and we both share our thoughts through photography. I really enjoy photography of others and explore others ideas and Kathy's photography is one them. She also has web photo gallery where I sometimes sneak in.
So what's next. The 'Rockin' Girl Blogger award arrived too soon for me and 'I Love Your Blog' came just in time. I could not just give this award to anybody, but 'now' I definitely know who will be the candidates of the two awards. I will be working on some blog reviews of the not revealed yet 'awarded bloggers' in the next days or so, and in the mean time enjoy this photo - flowers from my mom's garden.


Bob Johnson said…
Great Post Anna!, Mostly because it has my name and blog in it a lots of times, lol, just kidding. You deserve every award you get, You have awesome pics and your a sincere person, it comes across in your writing. When I first saw your blog I knew I found a good friend, and they're hard to come by. Just keep on being yourself and you'll be blogging for a long time, people will want to come back again and again, bonus for me is you like the stars, both the falling ones and the ones in the sky. Again thanks for being my friend!
Willshiresllc said…
You deserve both of those awards, you have an awesome blog. Very cool pics of the moon and the meteor showers. I'm adding you to my blogroll at strangeandcool and billseverydaylife. And my reader too :-)
kml said…
Very well deserved, Anna! You voiced how I felt a couple months ago when I first started blogging also. There are tons of blogs out there - but I am so glad to have found yours!
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Bob I knew you would like the links, lol, for comment like that I am going to shower you with some more...lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
kml, thanks again, I will be seeing you around...anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Bill thank you for your visit and comments, and everything else you mention in your comment lol - still in the process of learning the blogging or internet terminology. Yourself got some cool blogs, I was able to visit 2 and already found cool stuff to read, and learn....anna :)
Scruffyhippo said…
Well done anna, you certianly do deserve the recognition for your work. :)
S-V-H said…
I'm so happy for you Anna, you really deserve these awards for your big engagements in photography AND writing. CONGRATULATIONS!
myonlyphoto said…
Peter and Susan, thanks for your comments. Hey everyone of you contributed to my award, if I wasn't inspired by you bloggers I will be dull like a stone lol. Anna :)
Lynda Lehmann said…
Congratulations on your awards, Anna!

And thanks for leaving a comment on Peripheral Vision.
Your work shines. You deserve the awards!
Helen Read said…
congratulations! And thanks for leaving your kind comments on my blog! (nice to know other eggplant lovers are out there!)
Anna, super congrats!!! I had several of my friends come and take a look at your blog because I love it so much. :D

You rock!!!

Hugs, JJ
myonlyphoto said…
Hey all visitors, nice to have you all here. Your comments are always welcome and appreciated. If it wasn't of you, I don't know I probably will be doing somethings else, but this is more fun. Thanks, bob, bill, kml, scruffyhippo, sue, lynda, robyn, helen, and jj.