Moon Photography: Aug 04, 2007 Moon Again

I know—not another moon. It's a different day; maybe something will change, but in fact, nothing is changing on the face of the moon. The only interesting photo I got was last year, when I first started to photograph the moon with a 75-300mm lens. This year I got a new Canon 100-400mm lens, but I don't see much difference. The only thing is that I don't really have to set up a tripod. All I do, as soon as I see the moon, is shoot photos. To be fair, the lens does have an image stabilizer.

Anyway, the interesting photo I took was of a plane on the moon. What happened was that when I was photographing the moon, an airplane was passing by, and I got this small shadow of the plane on the moon. I will share it soon as I sort through my almost 48,000 photos. Don't worry, there aren't that many photos of the moon; however, every time I come out, I take at least 20 shots of the moon, just in case.
Aurora, Ontario, August 5, 2007, 12:19 AM EST

~ Anna
