Moon Photography: Our Moon

Another moon blog today.

I am not sure if I will be able to get the full moon today, which is calling for rain and overcast skies. The weather is really preventing me from taking many photos, especially with the winds bringing clouds constantly. It takes about 5 minutes to set up my camera, and next thing you know, the moon is behind the clouds. That's what happened this morning. The Moon was so perfect on the horizon, ready to disappear. I drove, got my camera out, and, oh no, the moon was gone behind the clouds.

Yesterday, the moonrise was beautiful, and I thought it was a full moon. I didn't have my camera around when driving from work, but it was enough to enjoy this very illuminated object in the sky.
Aurora, Ontario, Oct 25, 2007, 08:54 PM EST

Last night, when the Moon was high enough in the sky, I finally got it. Out of many shots, only one passed my qualification, and here it is. Also, when I was going through about 50 moon photos from last night, I saw something flying by the Moon. I cannot tell what it is this time; it's a large dot. However, last year I was lucky enough to get the air plane, and this summer I got a shot of some large bird, probably a seagull, goose, or duck, the largest and most common birds around here. And to conclude this post, the more I see the moon through my photo lens, the more I want to go there and explore. The moon looks so peaceful lying around—no worries, no 'moon warming', no stress.

~ Anna


Bob Johnson said…
Beautiful shot Anna, I like to go for a day trip, pick up some rocks and head home, sell the rocks on ebay make a bundle, don't know about long term, pretty dusty, plus no oxygen, have to build a Moon base with the money I get on ebay, wow this is feeling too much like work,lol.
myonlyphoto said…
You know Bob you sometimes come in first and sometimes last. I made a mistake today, I tought that yesterday was the full moon, just look at it, it looks almost full, and then I check your blog, and oh boy. Lucky I had no comments yet, so I was able to make all the changes, lol. And you are right, the grass looks always greener on the other side of the fence, lol. I probably do the same, the ebay idea sounds great, but you could do that now probably, I think you will find someone who will believe, lol. Thanks for visit, and I off to finish up reading from on your blog, sometimes I take breaks and then go back few hours later. Anna :)
S-V-H said…
I thought, full moon was not yesterday...LOL...I as a nobody in astro stuff, I believe every thing what you are writing, Anna... :-)

This is really a nice photo of the "full" moon!

Thanks for commenting on my blog.
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Susanne, like I said to Bob, I had full moon post, but then glad I visited his blog. But then it really really looked full, and today and right now is raining so I guess I was lucky to get that much. Thanks for your comment too, your visits are always appreciated. Anna :)
Robbay said…
Anna , I love your moon shot ...and your post . I also noticed your copyright logo ...Very nice how do you do that ...Thanks for the compliments on my cartoons. I look forward to seeing more of your posts and photos. Robbay
myonlyphoto said…
Robbay welcome to my blog and thank you for your comment. All my photos are cropped in the Adobe Photoshop and sized appropriately. I could post large size images when clicked, but I don't want to fill up my blog space too fast. The logo is also added in Photoshop, just simply creating text layer and placing it on it. Hope this helps, let me know if you need further help. Again, thanks for visiting. Anna :)
Oswegan said…
What do you use to get such a shot anna - is it a zoom lens, telescope, or what?

The moon was crazy last night - seemed very full and up early too.

I guess it will be waning now.

myonlyphoto said…
Oswegan thank you. I use telephoto zoom lens Cannon 100-400mm and I used to have old one 75-300mm. The trick is to put your setting to partial metering. There is a post on my blog, if you go under Moon, or on top right there are four links and one is how to take Moon photos. I have to make small change, I found that I can stay on ISO200, and don't have to go any higher - it is less noisy. Hope this helps. Anna :) BTW I wish I had telescope,lol, you should visit Bob Johnson's blog, he got some cool stuff beyond the moon that he took with his telescope.
Anonymous said…
(((WOW))) This is one heck of shot!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Beautiful shot and interesting post, Anna! I know nothing about space photography. Do you use a telescope in conjunction with your camera?
kml said…
Your moon is beautiful, Anna, and it looks full too!

I remember one halloween when the kids were small and we were out trick or treating. The moon was rising right over the horizon and it was huge. After pointing it out to my daughter, I noticed she couldn't take her eyes off it. I commented that she seemed "spell-bound" by it, and she told me that she was just waiting for the witch to fly by on her broom like she sees in halloween pictures.

When you mentioned something flying by in your post, all could think of was it must be a witch on her broom. Thanks for bringing back that memory!
Anna, this is the perfect moon photo. I wish I could take moon photo like you did sometime.
Peter said…
Hi! anna.

There's one thing about the moon that intrigues and fascinates me.

People right across the planet see it day in and day out.

Never thinking that 6,602,224,174 other people have seen it as well.

It's just another thing we all share in common, no matter where we are.

Peter McCartney
Sydney Australia
Max Coutinho said…
Hi Anna,

This is gorgeous!
Well, I could say that a full moon is always a full moon, but it's not so...each month the moon draws a different energy, and it reflects its light in a different just had to be attentive to it :)!

Here in Portugal the moon was yellow last Thursday, big and yellow: magical!

Anyway I came to tell you that you have been awarded:

myonlyphoto said…
Hawk, thanks for your comment. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Lynda thank you for your comment. I only use my SLR camera with my 100-400mm zoom lens. Seems to pick up lot of details. Anna :) PS I will be looking at the telescope one day, the sky exploration have more than just the moon.
myonlyphoto said…
digitalshuttermania, thank you. I think you will be able too. It took me few years till this point, I was waiting and waiting for good and cheaper camers to come out, and with that I was able to save some money for my new lens 100-400mm, but I think 75-300mm can do the job too. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Peter, thanks, and the funny thing is that I almost what you said put in the title, but I just changed my mind, you read my mind being far far away. Yeah it is amazing that I am not the only one. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Max, you are right, every full moon is different, and I enjoy every minute of it.

Wow, thank you for the award, so much, I will put in my vault for now, and soon I will be distributing them. Thanks again, Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…
You are most welcome :)!
I have a secret to share: I also have a vault lol (I don't post, and pass on, my awards right away)!

Anonymous said…
Two nights ago the moon came up here through some smoky skies. It was exactly the color of a jackolantern, although not quite still full round. Perfect for Halloween! Of course I did not think to grab a camera and take a picture.

myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Max. Good move with the vault, I think it is important to give when you are ready. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thank you Will, sometimes it is just good enough to enjoy through naked eye. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Kathy, thanks, what a nice story about your daughter. Yeah, we had that a lot when we were young, we were looking for a witch flying by, and when it was crescent then we were looking for someone sitting like a cat on the moon. Thanks again for sharing, really enjoyed it. Anna :)
Max-e said…
How do you get these shots right Anna. I have given up trying to photgraph the moon - all I get is a fuzzy blob
Livingsword said…
Hi Anna;

Another great photo, I really like the way you explain the challenge of getting a great image, often people do not truly appreciate what goes into a great photo…

I love moon (and other space) photos so you have a built in fan here!
myonlyphoto said…
Max-e thanks for visiting. You need to adjust settings on your camera - like spot metering (something like two half circles with a dot in the middle - change to no dot in the middle), and you probably will need some zoom capability. I will repost my moon photo taking tips again, check in later or I will let you know. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Livingsword, you are very welcome my fan. Thank you for all your comments, there will be more moon photos coming, as I never find them the same. Anna :)
Unknown said…
Great moon photo! I have a Fujifilm camera equivalent to a 28-300mm lens, and this gave me a reasonable moon photo, but I still had to digitally crop it about 2-4x. I agree with what you said in the comment above - no moon shots are the same. I'm still waiting to get one at full moon, looks like it's coming up in a few days though. Hope there's no clouds! :)


myonlyphoto said…
Thanks David. I do crop my moon photos too. The moon is probably 1/6th of the original photo size. However, because the camera takes poster size photos it really doesn't matter, I still can get really good 8x10 print and compress from 72 dpi to 200 dpi. In photoshop I set my cropping to 8 in width, 10 in height and resolution to 200, and then just crop around. It works for all my photos. And last bit of information, since Canon takes a bit blurry photos, I use Unsharp to sharpen accordingly, because Sharpening tools usually are too too harsh and the photo looks to digitized. Hope it helps, and thanks for your comments. PS I take moon photo every opportunity I get, just I have this feeling that one day there will be some activity, and I will be able to catch it, lol. Anna :)