However, the purpose of this post was to give you some photo editing tip. I know that some of you have photo editing software and some of you don't. The idea was sparked by JB's Big World blogger cat, yes a cat, who asked me about adding copyright watermark on the photos. So I went and researched some applications that lets you make edits online. Well I found one that I experimented with a bit, and looks like this may be nice tool some of you may enjoy. This online software features tools like photo editing, special effects and animations. It is easy to use, all you have to do is upload image and edit as per items on the menu. However, watch out for your Internet speed, because I can speak for myself only and praise this application because I have cable Internet and it works fine.
Here is the link: MyTheme Online Photo Editor
Note the following: this application can do animation, however you will not be able to upload to the blogspot post, it simply converts image to static image. There may be workarounds, but I have not investigated yet, but may be you can tell me one day.
maybe upload the animated graphic somewhere else and copy the URL and paste it in a blog post.
I don't upload thing to blogspot, instead I type the html for adding a photo btw.
Thanks again for your help. I should have put the word "copyright" in the text too maybe? Although, wouldn't anyone be able to crop the copyright out any way? Thanks for putting a link to my site on your post. I am a cat, but I am trying to make my blog different with real photos and real stories, and not just about cats. My Daddy Len, who is a pilot, just got back from Mexico, so I will soon post a story about a swarm of Mexican bees! I am not just a regular cat you know, I am really smart for a cat! :^)
Thanks again from me and mom!
Great tips for the watermarking - I hate to use them, but they are a necessary thing these days.
Now for Niagara falls! Did you know that the first person to go over the falls in a barrel was a woman. Are people still doing it?
Max came to visit me the other day and left a wonderful comment. Max is such a great writer, there must be a book in there somewhere just waiting to come out.
As for my father with his hanky, he also tried the same thing with my hair as a kid, but he used his hand for that. So disgusting but wonderful memories ?!?
Take Care
Godbless you dear
Merry Christmas
Godbless you dear
Merry Christmas
And you are absolutely right about the watermark, both pain and necessity. Thanks again, Anna :)
Max is great lady, and she is smart too, lot of ideas in her and I think I can see one day a book comeing out - and the nice thing is that we can say, oh I know Max, lol.
Oh Peter, your father with his hanky, so disgusting but wonderful memories - I have to agree, great memories to have, lol.
Thanks for your nice and entertaining comments Peter, Anna :)
I've never seen Niagara Falls so thanks for posting the great pic! the falls sure do look powerful. I bet it's quite a rushing sound.
Thanks for the photo tips.
Hugs, JJ
Nice pic of the falls :)! I have not been there yet (but I will one day) *nodding*!
I already read Peter's comment: he is so kind :D! About a book coming out...Peter, I don't know about that lol; but I will think about it :D!
One day you guys will make a writer out of me, I swear LOL *nodding*! At least I already have the fame for it :).
Thanks Anna for giving me the tip!
By the way that software tip is awesome (you always have great suggestions): thanks :D!
Happy Holidays and a Blessing for the New Year!!!
Hugs, JJ
Nice image…was this taken before you went over the falls in a barrel? LOL
I would love to see a barrel race over the falls on Survivor! Survivor Niagara? LOL (I almost accidentally wrote Survivor Viagra!) LOL LOL…**falling on ground rolling around laughing***
Use your inside laugh….LOL
You are welcome, darling :)! Really? I will remind you of this :). It is a deal: when I visit the falls I will let you know :): I will leave a comment on your blog :).
"Hey girl, if you can write, you are already a writer, and then if you write something bigger, you are still a writer, but famous one. " - LOL you are so kind and supportive: thank you *bowing*!
Oooh, you are so sweet; let me share a secret: I like you too :D! You are right, blogging is really cool cause there is no pressure...nothing :).
So, you are a software girl, ey? Unfortunately I am not...*nodding*. I think I don't have the patience for it...
LOL yes, I was multitasking yesterday *nodding*...it was a crazy day! Plus I was preparing today's post (and translating it) and answering phones...madness! Thank God it is over, today things were quieter...:).
Thank you for the invitation, I will not forget it :)!
Absolutely, dear: we stick to blogging for now :D!
Awesome image of the falls. I like the movement and power of the water. The composition is nice.
Merry Christmas from Italy