Not Just Photography, this time a Cartoon

A few weeks ago, I came across a funny blog full of hilarious cartoons. I must say, I really love cartoons. Maybe it's because they're short and funny, and if I don't understand them, I can just look at the pictures and try to figure out what's going on.

So, I started visiting Robbay's blog. Well, something funny happened to me—he had two blogs, and I chose the one with fewer visitors. I still visited and commented, but then Robbay informed me to join the bigger crowd of bloggers on his other blog. No wonder I felt kind of alone on the first one.

Eventually, I joined the bigger crowd. With the bigger crowd came the glory. Robbay asked if he could do a review of my blog. I asked if we should wait until we got to know each other better, but then I felt at home on his blog, and he was able to learn a lot about me through reading my past posts. So, I said yes, and the result was a very nice review about me that I really appreciate. It even came with a cartoon, "Capturing A Moment With Anna." Yes, officially, I am now part of the cartoon, and it's exciting. We worked on the cartoon together. I guess Robbay needed some description of me, and apparently, the hungry barn swallow wasn't enough. Well, I had to give away a few features, and guess what? He made me about 15 years younger. But, like I said before, I don't mind it. I feel like I'm 15 years younger anyway. Yes, I have freckles, and no, I don't have red hair; I'm a special human breed.
So what have I learned about Robbay and his cartoon world? Well, I tell you, when I visited the first time, I knew I would be back. Just like all of you on my Blogs I Visit list. The nice thing about Robbay's blog is that he actually writes a post to support his cartoons. He knows a lot about life and everything else happening around him, and he transforms it into a visual, entertaining cartoon to which I can relate. Something is telling me that Robbay likes mice, dinosaurs, and birds. With Robbay's permission, I am reposting the cartoon, Capturing A Moment With Anna, and I would like to thank all of you who previously visited Robbay's blog and also Robbay for such a wonderful gift.

Here are some of my favorite cartoons by Robbay, among many more if you visit his blog:

No Problems
Wrong Place, Wrong Time

~ Anna

Robbay's Review:

"When I began surfing through the Blogcatalog a few weeks ago, I came across the most interesting photography site. The blog is hosted by a lady we will call " Anna ". Her site is entitled simply "My Only Photo"

I thought to my self why would a National Geographic photographer be interested in posting a blog? I jumped right in going from one great photo to another. Bird life, animals in the wild, insects, plants, and spectacular landscapes. Maybe Anna doesn't work for National Geographic, but she captured my attention with equal talent. Not only are the photographs wonderful to experience but the descriptions are short and well written. Anna lets her photography speak for itself.

To my surprise her subjects are in her local zoo, parks and the national parks. When I contemplate the lion, moon, and birds, I felt sure Anna had traveled the world... she has with only a camera and a truly artistic imagination.

I am including in this review some of the photographs that impressed me, with there inviting appeal and quality. There is also a cartoon inspired by her adventurous spirit. I enjoyed from her archives Nature, Birds, Moon and Animals. When you visit the site spend some time with this very talented " Anna.


Luis F. said…
Thank you for your kind words. For my it will be a pleasure and a great happiness, putting a link to my blog, I put one to his… I see you very relaxed and happy in that cartoon :)
Robbay said…
Anna , Thanks for the wonderful review of my cartoon blog..very nice words you have for this cartoonist. Robbay
Oswegan said…
That's pretty great. I like the story, and the cartoon.

Don't let those mice get away with your picnic!

Anonymous said…
Sometimes you have a very succinct, but perfect way of saying things, Anna!

"I tell you I really love cartoons. It is may be because they are short, they are funny, and if I don't understand it then I just look at the pictures"

Another great post. And Robbay's site is great. It is so interesting to read a little about what the actual cartoonist is thinking about a cartoon.

This is Anna, that was my thought when I saw the cartoon with the lady and I was not wrong at all... Anna you see you rae making so much impact in all our lives May God reward you mightily in Jesus Name Amen.
The most precious cartoon ever!!! :D

Woot Robbay and Anna!!!

Hugs, JJ
S-V-H said…
Nice post Anna!

Finally I know also how you look...LOL... it's a very great cartoon, my compliments to the artist!
myonlyphoto said…
Luis thank you to for visit too and your kind comments. Anna :) BTW your photography is very beautiful.
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Robbay, looks like the cartoonist is getting a lot of great comments lately, lol. Thanks for what you have done, it is greatly appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Oswegan, thank you so much. Don't you worry about the mice, I have everything under control, lol, however, hope they don't go after the cheese, a treat which enjoy the most, lol. Anna :0
myonlyphoto said…
Will, thank you so much for your kind comments. Yes Robbay's blog is interesting, especially like you said, his thoughts and how he expresses in the cartoon. It is good for me, because sometimes I get totally and I mean totally different message through other's cartoons, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
channelofhealing, thank you so much for recognizing me and for your ongoing blessings. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
jj thank you so much, and thank you for visiting Robbay's blog, it means a lot to me when everyone respects each other. Thank you again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Susanne, so when I visit Key West I cannot hide anymore, lol. Glad you enjoyed the cartoon, your comments are always appreciated. Anna :)
Bob Johnson said…
Great cartoon Anna, and thanks again for pointing out Robbays' site, I love his cartoons, have made another friend and visit stop. and thanks for the advice on the Google adds.
kRiZcPEc said…
Funny cartoon.
Hurry! Anna hasn't taken off her lens cap...:D

Thanks for sharing the nice blog. I love his sense of humor : )

roentare said…
Thank you for showing this beautiful cartoon site. Cartoon can be very persuasive at times!
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Bob, glad I could help in some way, even if it is a blogger friend, lol. Thanks again all your respect is appreciated. Anna :) You are welcome about the Google, btw if you post more than three blocks, it will only display three. And may be you should try books on line, Amazon's affiliate program. I think you will be able to find many nice books for people to read - another great service on your part. Good luck, and thanks again. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
kRiZ cPEc thanks for your comment, lol. In fact I do forget to take my lens cap many times. One of my best one is when taking Moon photos because I know that the sky is dark, and having cap on is like looking on the dark sky, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
DigitalShutterMania thanks for your comment, and visit to Robbay's blog, it is appreciated. Thanks, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
roentarre and you are absolutely right, thanks for your visit and comment, Anna :)
kRiZcPEc said…
funny thing is, I once did the same and ask my companions why there's nothing to see in my viewfinder...:")
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

Lovely cartoon!!!! I really did enjoy it, and it made me laugh lol (Hurry, Anna is not planning on taking the lens today - LOL)!

You have freckles? How cute :).

myonlyphoto said…
kRiZ cPEc I think then it is very common with photographers, since we are usually very busy chasing the object, lol. Thanks again. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Max, thank you for your comment. Yes I do have freckles, they kind of go away during winter, and very evident during summer. Hey, it is cute now, but wasn't really cute when I was in elementary school, lol. This is too much information, but I was also picked about the ears, lol and really lol now, Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…
Hi Anna,

*Tender face*! Oooohhh I love freckles :)!!! What?! Were you teased in school? If I had been there no one would've teased you...I always defended kids who were bullied and teased :). When I was in 4th grade a boy flashed his front of the girls, who started screaming...I got there and kicked him in his personal treasure, and told him that his belongings were not be shown in public...of course, my mom was called lol lol!
What does it mean "picked about the ears"?

Jaya said…
Cool, Anna! You deserve the publicity, and that cartoon
was a fun one. I went and
visited Robbay's site, and
I too really liked it and
will be back to visit again!
myonlyphoto said…
Max, wow you are real people defender, it is nice of you, and I can see that in you, just by your blogging. Well in elementary school kids picked on three main things (in my days) - freckles, sticky ears and being chubby. So I had the two out of three, freckles and sticky ears. There is also little twist to my story, I was bullied by girls mainly from older grades, guys were actually my best friends. Well, I had no choice, all kids going to school from my street were boys, so we all became good friends. And those who were not, were good in time of need. About me, I was silent type and usually tried to avoid situations like that, thus the different routes to home, or just walk away. But my older sister was more like you, oh God someone touched me and she saw it, lol. Thanks Max for another long conversation. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Jaya thank you for being my fan, but I think I am bigger one of your blog, because your posts are usually very interesting and unique to you, and I really like your sense of humor through your writing and your photo-cartoons, and also sometimes expression of anger and sadness. Thank you so much for visiting Robbay's blog, he is great cartoonist sometimes with interesting twists to his cartoons. Thanks again for visiting and commenting, it is appreciated. Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…

I hate injustice *nodding*! Freckles and sticky must've been so cute :). And girls picked on you? That's's so sad that women pick on each other, isn't it *nodding*? My best mates in school were also men, however girls were always around too lol :).
So, you were a quiet sweet :)...What? You had different routes to home? Really? That was smart of you, mom used to tell me the same thing (although for different reasons than yours) :).
Your sister rocks!! lol.
It's my pleasure to chat with you :).
myonlyphoto said…
Max girl I appreciate your support in this matter, and not sure if the freckles and ears were my favorite body parts then, but I wouldn't give them up for anything today, lol. Yes I tried to avoid all situation, even if it was not nice, but I found it worked for me, and today I read this post on channelofhealing that said: 'He who angers you controls you.', and I believe it. It is totally personal Max, because I know if I fight back I would loose, so stepping back was my best defence. Yes girls can be mean, but boys too, thanks again for your comment and sorry for late respond. Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…
Hello Anna,

Don't mention it: it's heart felt :).
You are right: if you know that you will lose, then it is wise of you to step back *bowing*. I adore wise women :).
Dear, don't apologise; let's do the following: I comment on your blog, then you comment back whenever you have the time, and we continue our chats like that until we step into the next post...what do you say? No pressures, no guilt...I will be here :).

Cheers and a *tender smile*
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Max, you are the best, and will jump on board with your suggestion, Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…
You are most welcome :)!
