Crawling House Spiders - Keep or Keep Not

I am not a big fan of spiders, especially when they are bigger than one centimeter, but below that size, I keep them around the house. I keep them to ensure they eat the smaller insects in the house, which I am not able to see. It makes me feel a bit better. If anyone has objections to keeping this little spider in the house, please let me know now, but I think they don't bite.

However, I have to mention that when I was much younger, maybe seven years old, my parents once wanted me to get over my spider fear and gave me a rolled newspaper and told me to kill this giant spider. I never did; I just stood there and cried until my parents realized how stubborn I was. I still fear big spiders, but hey, I don't care; I just run away. Why harm them?

What you see is obviously not a spider's web; this is just the window mesh. It took many shouts to actually pin point the constantly moving spider around and to properly focus. I think out of twenty, I salvaged one photo, and even then I had to sharpen the image.

Aside: I've always been interested in the design of spider webs. Always wonder about the beginnings of the web—that first string that they are able to latch a meter away. Well, let me tell you again: all it takes is some luck and wind. To conclude, don't you just love when you walk unexpectedly into a spider web and then all day try to wipe your head, thinking the spider is still there? I call this paranoia.
Aside, a blogger from Pet Monologues used one of my images from the post We Are Family Of The Bearded Dragons in his post. Feel free to check it out.

~ Anna


final_transit said…
In winter esp when everything outdoors is dead, such little lifeforms keep me cheerful. I love spiders and used to let them live for the exact same purpose as you! I'm surprised there are others like me :) Thanks Anna

- Priyank
Max-e said…
Hi Anna nice post. Maybe this won't surprise you, but I love spiders. I find them fascinating creatures and leave them be, but will relocate them if they get in the way.
Your picture looks very much like our harmless wolf spiders.
Btw many of the little spiders, such as our button spiders are very venomous, but then I do not know anything about the spiders in Canada, or if you even get them there. Most of our large spiders just look fierce.
S-V-H said…
Hi Anna,

I liked your post. I hate spiders and I don't care how small or big they are - they will be killed immediately....sorry to all the spider lovers!

After living so many years in the tropics I'm happy NOT to see any one of these "beasts" up here more north in Charleston. :-)
Anonymous said…
Interesting little bugger in that picture. I read somewhere that the average person swallows 8 spiders per year when sleeping. Or maybe it was per lifetime? Probably an urban myth. But if true I keep thinking of all the people that believe they are strict vegetarians.

Hope they sleep with their mouth closed!

By the way - If you, Anna or anyone else here visits my site using a screen resolution of anything smaller than 1280 X 800, I would be interested in knowing if my photos and two sidebars display correctly for you. I intend for all photos displayed on my site to be contained within the content area. Also my two sidebars are supposed to be next to each other, not one above the other. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Really really good shot Anna. Well done. I really like the mesh background. And I am one of those people out there that love Spiders, and in Canada there are so few poisonous ones here, so I can appreciate this shot. It's just excellent.
Bob Johnson said…
Anna, very cool photo, I love spiders too, and have always wondered about the first string as well. By the way your picture in Caw to art rocks I've always loved that one , definitely the best one there.
Anonymous said…
When souls from heaven want to visit you, they need a body, and often come in a spider's body. That's why spiders are always alone. I know this is true. I just know it. They're beloved family and friends visiting from heaven.
Hi Anna, I love close-up photography. Spiders are effective inasmuch as they eat other bugs. As for you keeping the smaller ones around, it makes sense because if you see one spider, you have thousands within your walls. Killing one or two makes little difference. I hate spiders. In the summer they come into my home in large scale invasions. It's all I can do to contain them (Bug spray). My mother in law was bitten on the foot by a spider and her foot ballooned up to almost twice its size and she was in severe pain. You're an excellent photographer. This is a terrific photo. -Mike.
david mcmahon said…
Hi Anna,

Australian spiders are amazing. Remind me to tell you about the ``huntsmen'' spiders that cause all sorts of dramas when they emerge from airconditioning vents in cars ....
I'll bet that was a hard photo to shoot. You say it was difficult but I know that it was probably even harder than it sounds. I love your header, by the way. It's really gorgeous!

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
RW said…
Hey Anna I don't mind spiders but I not going to cuddle up in bed with one either lol! Very nice photo! I am going to go check out Pet Monogues! Have a great week Anna!! :D
Oswegan said…
Cool post and photo Anna.

I leave the little ones alone also. They don't bug me too much. Every once in a while one will bite me in my sleep, I guess I have sweet blood.
Anonymous said…
Hello Anna
Now you chose to scare us all. I might climb mountains without fear, but a spider is another dish for me.
But is a good photo indeed, against the regular monotone little squares.
Are you still doing Tai Chi and martial arts?
I did this myself for twenty years.
I still pass by the dojo few times a month but i am more taken with photography lately.
Daryl said…
Amazing .. what patience it must take to get a shot like that, I am envious
virtual nexus said…
Tricky shot and its perfect! Nice one!
Anna, we have spiders because of the wood we burn during the winter. I'm with you. Don't like the big ones but the little ones don't bother me. I really don't like the jumping spiders. Ugh. But the cats keep all of the spiders under control in the house.

Great post and photo!!! Sometimes outside after a rain, you can see many spider webs you wouldn't normally see glistening in the sun. How beautiful.

Hugs, JJ
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Priyank, welcome on my blog and thank you for your comment. I guess we have something in common, and funny it is liking spiders, lol. You are right when everything outdoor is dormant, it is nice to see those little creatures. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Max-e, you are the best, you always help me with identifying the living things. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I guess living in Africa, I wouldn't be surprised, if you get giant spiders. I think the biggest ever here I saw was may be no more than 1 cm, but this size I get a little paranoia going if they crawl inside. However, there are these tiny tiny red spiders under 1 mm that I see all the time on my patio. I tried to photograph them, but they are too small, lol. Thanks again Max-e, Anna :)
Tom said…
That one looks like a tiny 'Jumping Spider'. As for bigger spiders.. well I'm 18st, and over 6 foot in height but I don't like to come across spiders. Yes I run.. and Jane as to come and save me... a! I kid you not. Family and friends have a laugh about it but I don't care.
Thanks for your visit today, and a bigger thanks for all the comment s you wrote... nice to know my post can hold folks interest.
Andrea said…
I like spiders:they are so perfect...
But I prefer to stay far if they are too big.
About my Hyenas:I didn't write all the story.I switched off the lamp,and a perfect darkness covered the camp.And I began to count the seconds,to see how long I could face them in the night.
I have to say I arrived to 12 seconds,then I switched on...And they was in the same position.

myonlyphoto said…
Hey Susanne, welcome back since your move to Charleston, and thank you again for your honesty, lol. You are funny. But hey we all are different, and it is okay to hate spiders, just don't be too rough on them. So are you sure you didn't move because of spiders, lol? Glad that the move worked out for you and I will be following all your exploration from Charleston. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Will, is spider consider as meat protein, or may be it is bug protein, don't know the difference - on the end if you swallow bug there and there, I think it will not harm you at all. I did not know about the swallowing of spiders, but may be I should from now on wear the mouth mesh, lol. Will, I already gave you update on your blog sizes, I will check out the change and let you know. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi JD, thanks so much for you comments. I don't think we have any poisonous spiders close to home, but I think on my last long hiking trip I was bitten by one. The mark was different from any other bites, luckly it was small and gone in few days. JD thanks again for your kind comments, I liked the mesh bkg too, but wasn't easy because of moving spider, but then I would probably run too if I saw big lens like that chasing me, lol. Anna :)
Swubird said…

This post hit a note with me, because spiders are my weakness - I hate them. Nothing makes me jump like a black widow. I once caught one crawling across my son's bed. Yikes! Another time I found one underneath the end-table on my side of the bed. Dang! You can have nightmares thinking about those pesky little things bitting you in the middle of the night.

Nice post. And very good picture.
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Bob thanks for your comment. And thanks for checking my bearded dragon photos, too. I think these guys eat spiders, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Anonymous, hopefully you will be back soon and ID yourself. Thank you for your comment, and this is another interesting theory about spiders, lol, never really thought about it like that. Scary thought for me as I fear ghost, now I probably have to think twice what I will do with any spider crawling at home. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, totally different angle. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Mike (Mr. Grudge), thanks for your comment, and oh that is kind of scary thought, but I will try think about only those I see with a naked eye, what's in the walls, let it be mistery, lol, I bet there are probably other crazy creatures we don't even know about.
We are fortunate to have not too many, but I guess in your case if you get an army going in, then there is no choice to strike back with the weapon. We do that all the time with ants. This is something we need to worry, lol. Sorry about your mother in law. I quickly scanned internet for photo on bites, scary thougth. Thanks again for your kind comments. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi David (McMahon), thanks for your comment, and please do let me know about these spiders hiding in the airconditioning vents, scarry thought, but do you have any photos, lol. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Cindy, thanks for dropping by. Yes it was hard photo to shoot. You know it is one thing if you shooting something still, but something that is moving around and trying to aim with 100x larger lens than a bug, it is kind of hard. Same with birds, but this is the challange I like. Thanks on the comment about my top banner. It took a while to decided, but this one will stay for a while now. BTW thanks for adding me to your friends at Facebook, I recognized the photo, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Roger, I don't think you have choice at time, lol, as they will cuddle with you. And now a new theory from Will that we eat them, and then they are actually little ghost, that is scary thought - you better then cuddle them weather you like it or not, lol. Roger thanks for your loyalty and dropping by the PetMonologues blog, it is appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Oswegan, thanks for your comments. How sweet of you - when we sleep who knows what crawls around, lol. BTW I like your new photo site set up, refreshing. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Chris, variety is good, it is good to be scared a bit, lol. I know what you mean, we can do some life threatning stuff in life, but the little things are the ones that sometimes scare us the most. Like the way you said: against the monotone little squares. Yes I still do Tai-Chi, very little like once per two weeks. Martial arts nothing, but I still have some weapons in the basement, that sometimes I pick them up and train, or just my arms and legs. I do too enjoy photography more, but I do have martial arts on my agenda, the problem is I cannot find anyone good close by home. I am very particular, I actually like the Shaoling Kung Fu very much. Chris thanks for visiting, it is appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi daryle, welcome to my blog, and thank you for your comment. I think you right about patience, but I really enjoy nature, therefore I can dedicate all my time to just sometimes sit and watch. Thanks again for your kind comments. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Julie, thanks for commenting. It was tricky shot, thanks for appreciating. Anna :)
Hi Anna,
Thanks for all your nice comments again on my blogs.
At my house we don't see so many spiders because mom has a pest control service that comes to get the spiders. I wish we could keep the spiders because I like to catch them myself!
We found a really cool spider in our backyard late last year, which I still need to post....but this one could have been poisonous we think! I'll post it soon.
Have a great day!
myonlyphoto said…
JJ thanks, I did not know that some spiders are attracted to the specific burning wood. May be it is the warmth too, lol. JJ I think the one on the photo is the jumping one, because it wasn't able to do that on the mesh, but once on the flat surface it can. The food chain is amazing, spiders eat bugs, cats eat spiders, lol. You right about the spider webs after the rain, and some of them have these beautiful water droplets hanging. Thanks JJ again for sharing your thougths, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Tom, welcome to my blog. Thanks for the name of the spider, I will update my post. I think sometimes not matter how big you are, we all have our fears, lol. You are pretty tall, I could imagine that too - must be funny seeing you jump, but laughs are good too. No problem Tom, you got interesting blog too, so I will be back, thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Andrea, you right the markings on the spiders are actually quite amazing, and they are perfect. Thanks for the update on hyenas, I guess then you did really encountered them in the wild - you are brave, just be careful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and thanks for updating me about the comment from your blog. Appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Swubird, lot of honest bloggers here, lol, I guess now I know your weakness, lol. I don't like black widow spiders too, just the word black gives me shivers. Speaking of nightmares, I hope you are deep sleeper, because I know what you mean, imagination can be really vivid once you see them around and you fear them, lol. I am like that too. Due to difference in temp outside and inside, once I was invaded by flies, I killed about 40 in 1/2 hour inside the house. I couldn't sleep for days. Thanks again for your kind comments swubird, and promise to keep the low spider profile, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi JB, thank you too. Wow you must have lot of little bugs at home, if a pest control service comes, lol. Hope you can catch some outside thought. Let me know about your spider photo post, I am curious to see it. Thanks again, Anna :)
Dick said…
I agree let them do what they have to do.
Peter said…
Hi! Anna. Here in our house we do not keep any that are larger than Eensy Weensy Spiders.

Actually, I'm a lover of any spider that can not kill or maime us humans.

This little piece by an unknown author was recited to me as a kid. We followed suit and told our children as well. This is the reason I love Eensy Weensy Spiders.

"The eensy weensy spider
Crawled up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the eensy weensy spider
Crawled up the spout again."

Take Care,
Peter - aka - Daddy Long Legs!
Anonymous said…
Hey Anna! :)
That's a cool picture of a spider. Even though I usually hate spiders, the one on the pic actually looks a bit cute... !

Thanks for the comments you've given me, :), and thanks for linking to my site!! Appreciate it a lot!
Lynda Lehmann said…
It's a good spider photo, Anna, worth the work! I have read that all spiders actually bite and have some degree of toxin in their bite, but I'm not afraid of the little ones.

One year we had so many daddy-long-legs in our house that there was nothing to do but sing to them when one got up at night to use the bathroom and there they were, dancing all over the tiled wall. Yuck.

I too, have often wondered how spiders can intuitively construct such brilliantly engineered webs! And I do hate when I get one of them right across the face!
Lynda Lehmann said…
It's a good spider photo, Anna, worth the work! I have read that all spiders actually bite and have some degree of toxin in their bite, but I'm not afraid of the little ones.

One year we had so many daddy-long-legs in our house that there was nothing to do but sing to them when one got up at night to use the bathroom and there they were, dancing all over the tiled wall. Yuck.

I too, have often wondered how spiders can intuitively construct such brilliantly engineered webs! And I do hate when I get one of them right across the face!
kRiZcPEc said…
what a creative way to use spider, didn't think of this before. lol.
morinn said…
Hi Anna, I liked your post on spiders! I'm not really afraid of them but i hate to be around them. lovely picture you took here ;)
Merging Point said…
Anna, so you finally managed to bring it in your frame....thats really great!!
Yea, spiders can web creativity in our minds
MedaM said…
This is really a beautiful spider photo you took.
I don’t hate spiders at all; I also cannot say that I specially love them but I admire them very much. I admire to their ability to produce their silk, so thin but so strong, and to make their webs the perfect way.
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

I actually love spiders! I have no problems with them; I even let two of them weave a web in my bedroom's balcony, last year, cause they would catch all the flies (it was a hot summer, and for the first time we had no wind in our area, so flies decided to drop in lol)! That way I didn't need to use pesticides (which I hate).

This spider photo is absolutely gorgeous: I loved it :D! You are talented, dear :)!

LOL LOL I know that kind of paranoia, it is terrible LOL *nodding*! It is like when we see a bug in our hair, and we won't rest until we wash our hair LOL...

lennon said…
Love the "web" also not keen on spiders especially the big ones.
kml said…
Hi Anna - Nope, spiders are not one of my favorites, and in my opinion - they must all go. One will have hundreds of babies, then I am sunk - can't let them stay indoors - they have the whole outside to live in!

Enjoyed your post!

Dancin Fool said…
Hello! What a great post. I myself am scared of spiders and have always been. I have taught myself to pick up some bugs that bothered me but I don't think I'll ever manage that with spiders although I can manage to get them in a container. (I usually shake for a few minutes after!)

I do however live by a self imposed code that all living things have safe passage through my house, no matter how scared I am of them! When there is a stubborn spider who insists on living with us I try and strike a deal with them....stay out of my bedroom and I will leave you alone, venture into the bedroom and you will be relocated to the garden!

We get tonnes of grass spiders in our house in the summer and autumn and every morning we usually have to rescue 2-3 before we can have a shower! (I don't wash them down the plug hole and these would not fit anyway!)

Bye for now!
roentare said…
Scary spider but you caught it so romanticly!
Livingsword said…
Hi Anna;

**Shudder** When I was a small child I was picking lying on the grass and went to reach for something beside a shed. There was an enormous spider the size of a VW Bug right in front of my eyes (ok it wasn’t quite that big but it was close). For weeks I had nightmares about it shooting web into my eyes!

Of course now I am fine with them… Did I mention that when my wife finds a dead spider around the house she picks it up and chases me around the house while I scream like a schoolgirl? (I didn’t mention it because it never happens, *looking over both shoulders*). For Christmas my brother in-law gave me a large spider with a soft fuzzy green body and black legs that move around independently… (He’s a lawyer…my brother in-law not the spider but….)

When a large spider make sits way into the house that is when I miss my good old friend Kimba, although as a dog she loved to eat spiders there were even some she wouldn’t touch!

Thanks for placing this in the theater of my mind…. LOL LOL


Ok all that being said, I do appreciate what spiders do and don’t like to hurt them, but sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do, get the vacuum out…
Anna, I am not afraid of spiders. They are good to catch the small bugs like you said. However, if their webs mess up my house, I will clear their webs anyway ; ) Moreover I love this photo too.
Have a great weekend, Anna! We're heading into the deep freeze again. Wish it was spring!!!

Hugs, JJ
RW said…
Hope your having a great weekend Anna the most awesome photographer I know!! :D
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Dick, thanks for your comment, sounds like a good idea, but I still think big ones would bother me. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Peter, thanks for this little piece. Growing up in Europe, I don't know any of those verses, so thank you so much for writing one up for me, I will try to memorize it. Thanks again, and once I am done here on my blog, I will see you later. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Leo (from Healthy Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle), thanks so much for your visit and comments. Leo you got very interesting blog, that teaches a lot, I will be over later to see what I have missed. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Lynda, thanks for the interesting info, I guess small ones will have less toxins, may be that is why even if they bite, we will never real feel it. Speaking of daddy-long-legs in your house, when I was a kid, we used to see them also crawling up the walls and rooms, but in here I will be lucky if I see one in a year. The problem with that spider are the long legs, you can step on them even if you don't want to. Lynda thanks again for your comment and info, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi kriz cpec thanks for your comment, the background kind of was there, I guess I was lucky. Thanks again for your comments, and always dropping by. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi morinn, thanks for your comment and welcome on my blog. Kind of late reply on my part, but I will pay you a visit on your blog. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Merging Point, yes I did finally, lol. That is good point about webbing our creativity. Thanks again for your always inspirational comments. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Medam thank you so much for your comment. It is really nice to know that some of us don't hate them at all, including you. I think I ignored the fact that they produce the fine silk, thanks for the reminder, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Max, sorry for the late reply. Max you are a brave girl. When I was young and we had many around us, someone always had to relocate them for me, I could never stand the big ones, just something about the big ones, lol. But you are right, they take care of the flies, as opposed to us breathing the pesticides also and poisoning ourselves little by little - if it is not good for the bugs, cannot be good for us too. Thanks again Max, I forgot the bug paranoia too, I get those in my hair all the time when gardening, lol. I will see you soon Max, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey lennon, thanks for the comment, lol, and visit, and soon as I finish here I will be over your blog. Thanks, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi Kathy, hey not all of us are spider lovers, but I bet that you would photograph the spider webs they create, especially in the fall time, lol. You are right, someone said the same too, they can produce many offsprings, lol, so it is good idea to keep balance level of spiders in the house, lol. Kathy, thanks again for your comment. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi dancin' fool, firstly welcome to my blog, and thank you for your comment. I am not that brave to pick up the spiders by hand, usually it takes some magazines, plastic bag or some other media. Wow, you are really scared of spiders, but hey at least you are honest about it, however, it is nice of you to at least let them pass through. I didn't know that these grass spiders can be that big, either you have small wash down hole in your tab, lol, or the spiders are huge, lol. Thanks again for your comment and visit. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
roentarre thanks for your lovely comment, romantic photo, wow that's sounds good. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
LS, you running like a school girl, oh I am having this picture in my head - that's must look funny, lol, but it is okay to have some fun, lol. I guess we have something in common, the spider trauma. Oh I remember your post about your good old friend Kimba, such a nice dog. Also, I never knew that dogs like to eat spiders, must be the nutrients. Hey LS, thanks for dropping by, I am kind of late with this response, but you know in the winter with the cold everything seems to slow down, lol, kidding aside, just busy at work and at home, thanks again, and I will be over soon as I am done here. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
LS you said: '...but sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do, get the vacuum out…' - lol, that's funny, make sure you get rid of the bag, they seem to survive places like that, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
DSM thanks for your comment, and good for you for not being afraid of them like some of us, lol. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi JJ, sorry for late reply, hope you had fun in the deep freeze, lol, I don't know how you do it. BTW I mentioned you in my latest post, just had to, you are too brave if comes to nature in the winter - however, few more weeks, and the spring will be here again. Thanks again for your comments as always, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Roger, thanks for checking up on me, weekend was great, but busy, however, we did accomplished few things which is good sign. Curious what's waiting for me on your blog, will be over soon as I am done here, thanks again, it is appreciated. Glad to be on your fav list of photographers, lol, thanks for spoiling me, lol. Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

"sorry for the late reply. Max you are a brave girl. When I was young and we had many around us, someone always had to relocate them for me, I could never stand the big ones, just something about the big ones, lol." - It is quite ok, dear; cause I know how busy one can get :D! lol I am a bit brave, I must agree with you lol. LOL so, you have issues with the big ones, huh? That is you scream when you see them?

"But you are right, they take care of the flies, as opposed to us breathing the pesticides also and poisoning ourselves little by little - if it is not good for the bugs, cannot be good for us too." - true that! I hate pesticides and I don't use them in my house...I refuse to kill myself little by little *nodding*...

"Thanks again Max, I forgot the bug paranoia too, I get those in my hair all the time when gardening, lol. I will see you soon Max" - lol the worse kind of paranoia lol....I see you soon, darling :)!

It was a pleasure :D!

myonlyphoto said…
Max, I just noticed I did not answer you to this one, lol.

You said: 'lol I am a bit brave, I must agree with you lol. LOL so, you have issues with the big ones, huh? That is you scream when you see them?' - not really, I think I go in shock, lol. I think my body shows more than my mouth expresses, okay ocassionally I say bad words, lol.

You said: 'I refuse to kill myself little by little *nodding*...' - yes me too, that's my girl!

You said: 'It was a pleasure :D!' - in deed it is mine too. Anna :)
Max Coutinho said…

"I just noticed I did not answer you to this one, lol." - it got lost, huh? In the middle of all the messages :)....

"not really, I think I go in shock, lol. I think my body shows more than my mouth expresses, okay ocassionally I say bad words, lol." - LOL LOL naughty naughty...saying bad words LOL ;)

"yes me too, that's my girl!" - :D
