Winter Fun Fun And More Fun, Canon Lens Lots Of Fun

The creation of the snow was such a blessing for children. I cannot emphasize enough how much I enjoy watching Matthew play in the snow. This little busy bee enjoys himself to the fullest: making snowmen, throwing snowballs, making giant snowballs, making snow angles, removing snow, cleaning cars with the broom, mowing snow (yes, just like cutting grass), and tobogganing.

It's been snowing here on and off. The last couple of days have snowed, but it is guaranteed that this snow will be gone by next week; warmer temperatures are in the forecast.

Matthew is not the only one having fun. I finally decided on one new lens but came out of the store with two, and I am a very happy camper with empty pockets. I am glad that I fixed my Canon 20D because I don't have to do a lot of lens switching. It gets heavy to carry both, but I don't mind at all. The Canon 20D has been around for a few generations, but it is still a good camera.

Since I am a Canon shooter, I decided to stick with Canon lenses. I bet you are curious and already know that one of them must be a macro lens, and it is: the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro lens. I also treated myself to a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens. Both are excellent lenses. I have not been able to use the macro lens as I cannot find anything tiny (may be microscopic) to photograph, meaning small creatures (probably hibernating at this moment); however, this lens is great for portraits.

The photos below of Matthew were taken using a macro lens.
~ Anna

[Previously published on My Only Photo Journey Blog]


Zbyszek said…
Ale zimowo. Ja liczę już na wiosnę i ciepło:) Pociecha rośnie jak na drożdżach. Pozdrawiam Aniu ciepło:)
George said…
Congratulations on your new lenses. I'm sure you will get great results with both of them. The pictures of Matthew are certainly wonderful.
Jeevan said…
Indeed wonderful Anna! I could understand through the shots how well Matthew enjoys the snow... Nice u fit the lens. I having trouble with my Canon powershot lens and also looking for a new Cannon point and shoot with zoom lens.
joshi daniel said…
lovely and full fun :)
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

Mathew is big and gorgeous! The pictures are fantastic. You know, I recently acquired my first Canon (a small one to take quick pics), after I learn well how to work with it, I might upgrade to another model.

Big hug to you and your baby boy :).

Chris said…
Wow excellent Anna, for your news lenses, the games in the snow and the pictures. As soon as you will be able to use it for its purposes, you will clearly fall in love with that macro lens... it is a perfect one!
luly said…
What a wonderful pictures and smiles!:)
Have nice day, dear, dear Anna!
Marka said…
Excellent photographs Anna! I can tell you're really enjoying your new lenses. I'm good on lenses at the moment, and the next step will be a new camera body, as I'm currently up against the low light capabilities of my D80. Cheers!
Swubird said…

These pictures of Mathew with the white background are just fabulous. He sure looks like a little man walking along like that. A great looking guy. Just looking at all that snow gives me the shivers.

Happy trails.
kRiZcPEc said…
Clear Matthew was having a whale of a time~~a great moment for him and a set of lovely candid shots, :)
Anya said…
Wintertime is always great for kids
but i am happy when spring will come ;)
John Maslowski said…
Matthew definitely looks like he is enjoying the snow. The one thing I missed this winter was building a snowman with my granddaughter like we did the previous winter. She reminds me about it all the time. These are the moments that a child will always remember. You are truly blessed Anna with a wonderful family. I am sure you will make good use of your new lenses. Looking forward to some images with your new macro lens. Everything is going fine with me, enjoying photography and watching my granddaughter grow. Hard to believe she just turned 7 last month. She enjoys reading and I'm very happy about that. We always read to her and now she reads to us. Children are so smart these days. Take care, Anna. Always good to hear from you.
Will said…
Your photos are always of such high quality Anna. But that is not the lens, it is the person behind the lens! We have had a cold spring too. Waiting for the warm weather to arrive!