I Am Back Again - A List of Excuses

Hello Bloggers!

I just wanted to write a quick note to say that I am back to blogging again. I don't want to mix my photography with my excuses, so I will let you in on it here. Tell you the truth, nothing really crazy, just looking 100% after Matthew, as I told you before: cooking for the family [saving some money by not paying food preparation taxes, delivery, or tips], and paying bills as usual—typical housewife chores.

Lastly, I got a small job developing websites for a small business, and this gave me an opportunity to learn more about WordPress too. But the final product was still in HTML code. I think I need a bit more time to learn more. However, I have not forgotten my camera, and as I go out a lot for walks with Matthew, we both get to take some pictures. Matthew is now masterful when it comes to taking pictures, too. He imitates me as usual—I don't think he really knows what he is looking at when looking through the viewfinder, lol—but he will figure it out eventually.

"I have become a housewife and there is no better job." - quote by Celine Dion, and I [Anna] agree with her 100%.

~ Anna


lissa said…
that's life, I don't think you should apologize. hope you have a wonderful time in whatever you do
Marvin said…
Living a real life is better than blogging, any day! I only write every day because my job is on the computer. If my job was forestry, or something that didn't let me be at a desk all the time, I wouldn't write. ;-)
S-V-H said…
Enjoy your days as a housewife and mother to the fullest, they'll be gone fast, more than you'll like it :)
Great post, Anna!

P.S. looking forward to the first shots from Matthew - if he got the talent from his mother, they will be spectacular too!
Dick said…
Welcome back, always good to be here and see your newest post. Looking forward to see Matthew's pictures, lol
RW said…
HA! I am not the only one! But I do not have such a cute as a excuse as you do! :-)
kRiZcPEc said…
Welcome back Anna.:)
Anna, I KNEW Matthew would turn into a great photographer like Mom!!!

WOOT!!! It's GREAT having you back!!! Hugs!!!

George said…
Welcome back. We look forward to more pictures from you (and from Matthew).
TatianaV said…
Hi Anna, and I am in a simillar situation right now - even though not mothering or busy with the household, and due to it less and less blogging, and the photography is suffering as I hardly take my camera out these days. Thanks for letting us know that all is well, and enjoy your time off with Matthew as much as you can :)
kaslkaos said…
Looking forward to more great photos. Thanks for sharing.
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Lissa for your support, and thanks for dropping by. Life is good, the little one is keeping us on our toes all the time, and its fun! Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Marvin you are right. That is what's happening here, lol, being mother is much better, not to offend anyone, lol. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Susanne yes I am, I love every minute of it, and thanks for further inspiration. More pictures will be coming, Matthew is getting better, he actually starting to understand how it works as oppose to click the button only. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Dick. Yes I think it is time to get some Matthew's photos. Its been a while. Next post, I promise, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey Roger, its okay, your excuses are valid too. I think I have idea, we all should have assign blogging vacation days and claim them during the year, lol, so all we have to say 'gone on vacation', lol. Thanks Roger again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Kriz thanks, and nice to see you again. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks JJ, in addition he is also good computer whiz like his dad, lol. Thanks for dropping by JJ. All the best to you too. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks George, lol, yes there will be. Matthew is doing well, he is actually paying attention when I show him how to use things. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
TatianV, hope you recover from being busy, and hopefully less stress. Thanks for your support. Yes doing a lot with Matthew, it is so much fun. Thanks again, and thanks for dropping by even when you are busy. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
kaslkaos thanks so much. Yes there will be, now that I may have more time on my hands to process them. Anna :)
TG said…
Interesting blog and I love your layout :) I think everyone goes on a hiatus now and then, that's good. Then we gather new interesting stories to write about :) Or photos in your case :)
myonlyphoto said…
MKL thanks for your kind comment. Blogging is fun, but yes we do need break sometime from blogging too like from everything else. Thanks again for dropping by, Anna :)