A Bit of Knowledge: More Moon Photography Tips & Opportunities

Last month and this month, I have been religiously going out and snapping moon photos here and there. The weather was perfect; I couldn't ask for more. We got some clouds on other days, but then it would get clear again. So you say, Life is great. No, not until I received the Astronomy & Space newsletter in the email from the National Research Council of Canada, 'Deep Impact - Moon', by Ken Tapping, September 09, 2009.

"At 4:40 AM PDT on October 9, amateur astronomers with telescopes with objectives larger than about 20 cm may have the chance to observe a very rare event, the deliberate crashing of a large spacecraft onto the Moon's surface. This act is part of our ongoing search for water on the Moon.', Astronomy & Space, National Research Council Canada 'Deep Impact - Moon', by Ken Tapping, September 09, 2009."

UPDATE: Oh no, now I should really shoot myself in the toe for misreading this news and then misleading some of you. The 'Deep Impact' has yet to happen on October 9th, and I thought it was September 9th. Let us then do a countdown, and I hope I get good weather. Will Taft from Healthy Living thank you for correcting me and, in a way, making me feel better, as I will definitely have my camera ready. By the way, excellent attention to detail. And this was my original message. Okay, it was 2:00 am; I must have been sleepwalking.

Oh no, a large spacecraft crashed into the Moon's surface. I didn't know if I should shoot myself in the toe [I don't know why toe?], scream out loud [no, Matthew is sleeping], run outside, or start taking more pictures [yes, I did this]. Just imagine things going through my head. I've been waiting for this moment, and I missed it, just like I decided to watch the thunderstorm and not have my camera photograph this split-second view of the ball lightning.

On the other hand, who goes out that early in the morning to look out for sky stuff? Not me, but knowing Bob, my new blogger friend Astro-Nuts, it's possible. But then my lens probably wouldn't see much anyway. Well, I confess, I had no idea that those crashes had been happening in the past, but then I always had some good vibes taking moon photos, and now at least I know that my photos will be different as time passes.

I almost forgot this was supposed to be a knowledge tip. Then let me tell you something short and sweet. Try to photograph the partial moon or just the phases. The photographs will have a more three-dimensional feel, and you will also see a better emphasis on the craters, as you can see in the above photo. By the way, I have not found the spot of the crash yet, but I bet it is there now. Well, I cannot call this a bad day after all, knowing that Ellen DeGeneres is going to be a fourth judge on American Idol. For me, it's like seeing the lightning ball again, or not.

~ Anna


Peter said…
Hi Anna! Our poor old Moon seems to be the dumping ground for all our adventures lately. If it was my place, I'd get them to go up there and clean up their mess.

As for Ellen DeGeneres, perhaps this may be one way of improving its ratings! The Australian Idol version is performing poorly and is being out rated by run of the mill stuff.

Will Ellen be the good guy judge or the bad guy judge? We will just have to wait and see.

By the way, Happy Birthday to you know who!

Take Care,
Cheffie-Mom said…
Wonderful photo, as usual! enJOY your weekend!
Priyank said…
Oh the search for water but at what cost? We are spreading human filth elsewhere now, that hurts me..

But anyway, I like pictures of partial moon too, they seem more lively for sure! :)
Shrinky said…
Superb photo, Anna, well captured. I love Ellen, wish she would come and judge Britain's Got Talent for us!
Hello Anna,

The very first post of yours that I read had an amazing photo of the moon. I love this one as well. You are right about the three dimensional feel and the craters. Thanks for an excellent tip!
Dick said…
Hey Anna

You are the best Moon photographer I know, I've tried it too, not bad but not like yours.
Probably I'll post it soon.
myonlyphoto said…
Peter, yes they should get their act together, I think we created enough mess here, and now we are moving on. Hopefully the Australian Idol improves, I like that show, always on the toes, lol. And I don't know about Ellen being good or bad, but I think she will be funny, lol. Thanks for the wishes Peter, and again congratulations to you on the new member to your family. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Cheffie-Mom thanks and I sure will. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Priyank, you are so right. I think it is our human nature to start invading everything, sad.

Hey Priyank thanks so much for spending all this time on my blog and commenting on many of my posts, next time I will have some tea [chi] and cake ready, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Shrinky for your nice comment. I like Ellen too. I guess will see if she will do good this time, lol. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Carol. You know the traffic activity on my blog usually increases during the full moon, I guess that one tutorial is making it all flow like that. I am glad that you found by through the moon, he/she is a good referral, lol. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Dick. I will be over to see your moon photos later. Anna :)
Will said…
Hi Anna! I love the photo. Looks like it was taken through a telescope? When I was reading the post, I had to look up at the url because I was pretty sure I was here at My Only Photo, but it was reading like I was over at Bob's place!

Oh and toes are important for maintaining your balance, Matthew sleeping is something you don't want to disrupt, so I think you made the right choice to go outside and take more photos!

ps. I don't think you missed it. Your quote says it will be on October 9th and I clicked over to the link and Oct. 9 is the date. I expect to see a photo of the impact here on October 10th! lol.
kml said…
So they think that is the way to find water on the moon. I don't know who lets these guys be in charge.

Great photo - love all those craters!
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Will. Yes I do to love what's out there in the sky like Bob. But he is pro. Lately we have been having some crazy activities in the area, theft and drugs, so I don't want to come out the house in the middle of night. BTW thanks for the reminder about my toes, lol, yes I do need them for balance, lol. BTW thanks so much for correcting me. It was late and I swear I read it so many times, and still didn't notice. May be next time I will just wait until next day after my beauty rest and proof read it. Will thanks again, I am glad I didn't miss it! Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Kathy I know like we don't have enough here on Earth. Oh well.

Thanks for your nice comment, and me too I like the craters too.

Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi everyone, I misread and mislead. Looks like we still have chance to see the impact on the moon, as it will happen on the October 9th of this year. Get those telescopes out then and lets hope the weather is good. Anna :)
Fantastic info Anna. I am always trying to get moon shots too but never very successfully. :)
kRiZcPEc said…
thanks so much for your comments. I'd always love to look at your moon shots. :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Joan for your kind comment. You know it is always about the weather, and unfortunately about the lens too. However, I still enjoy the most just looking on the moon with naked eye. Once I had this dream that moon actually fell off the sky - I tell you not a very good dream to have, lol. Thanks again, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey kriz no problem. Thanks too for commenting here too. Thanks again, Anna :)
Zbyszek said…
Witaj Anno, piękny księżyc, bardzo tajemniczy. Na mnie ma duży wpływ, gdyż ostatnio miałem problem z zaśnięciem:) pozdrawiam
Astro-Nuts said…
Hi Anna. That's a great photo. You know how much I love seeing the Moon; but even moreso, I like seeing great photos of it. And, as you mentioned about Bob and myself, I am fairly certain we will both be up at 4:40 a.m. trying to see if we can spot the landing on the Moon on October 9th. Anyway, take care.
Anonymous said…
Hello Anna.
I always learn, something new when i came to your blog, i like everything about the space, and i´ve find this photo a special one, a nice contrast of the moon, you have a nice way to take photos, i liked very much.
All the best, have a nice day, see you soon.

José Filipe 14-09-2009
John Maslowski said…
Fabulous moon image as usual Anna. The details and clarity are amazing. See you mentioned Bob of Blackholes and Astrostuff, great site, one I try to make a regular visit to. Always love visiting your site Anna, so much to see, read and learn. Take care.
myonlyphoto said…
Zbyszek, tak Księżyc może być bardzo surrealistyczny. Kiedyś miałem sen, że spadł z nieba, sen ty nie chcesz mieć. Pozdrawiam, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Astro-Nuts, I am glad that you stumbled on my blog, we really do have something in common. And hopefully you can capture the impact. Just check to ensure that the time zone is correct, lol, I did that mistake once. Thanks again, and take care. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Jose thanks so much for your kind comment. Glad that you learn something. It is a small tip, but hey better than nothing. There is so much you can learn about the moon, something that I will be photographing for a long time. Thanks again and I will definitely see you around. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hi John, thanks so much for you kind comment, and nice visit. Yes, moon is very special object in the sky, it may look the same but its not for me. Yes Bob's site is fun to read. He teaches us a lot about space and his explorations and adventures. It was funny, we met through the moon, lol. John thanks so much again, and take care. Anna :)
Alex said…
Preciosa fotografia lunar, que bonita!!!
Buen trabajo, saludos.
pino said…
sempre ottimi scatti!!!
Jackie said…
Anna this is marvelous. I can't wait unti we too can afford the equipment to get shots this good of the moon.

I was strolling through and I love all of your images!! They are terrific!!
Peter said…
Talking about new idol judges, we just had Suzi Quatro (do you remember her?) on ours and she was just great! and yes, we are over the moon on the birth of our first grandchild!

Take Care,
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

LOL so, you thought you had missed this important Moon event, eh? Thank God you didn't. Now you can prepare the camera, be ready for October 9, take the shots and delight us with the results :D!

Are you a fan of Ellen DeGeneres? She is funny! But I am not sure how she will do as a judge in American Idol (she is kind lol).

Be ready, darling! ;)

myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Alex for your kind comment and visit. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks pino for your kind comment and visit. There will be more moons to come... Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Jackie thanks so much for your nice visit and comment. You know my equipment cost me an arm and a leg, lol, but you know it was worth it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and again thanks for your kind visit. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Suzi Quatro wow she has changed. I stopped following her for many years. I bet she was good on the idol.

Hey Peter there is nothing wrong to be over the moon with your granddaughter. Congrats again. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Yes Max, I think lately I am loosing. But I will have to be ready for that deep impact, lol. Talking about sleep deprivation, the other night I actually woke up front of the computer, that means I slept front of it, no idea what happened, lol.

I like Ellen, she kills me every time I watch her, and you are right she is kind, but then we have Simon who tells nothing but truth, lol.

Max, thanks so much for dropping by, means a lot. Anna :)
Anna!!! I'm soooo excited for October 9th!!! WOOT!!!

Great photo. I love it when you point your camera to the night sky. :D

Hugs, JJ
Max Coutinho said…
Hey Anna,

LOL oh yeah...you are suffering from sleep deprivation indeed.
Falling asleep on the computer? Yep, it is a symptom...

Simon is ruthless! But I heard he was leaving the show...

Girl, you are most welcome! You know I like dropping by and checking up on you :)!


This moon shot is excellent. Currently, it's raining every day in Bangkok so I don't have such a opportunity to go and shoot some photos : )

Have a nice day.

TatianaV said…
Awesome this Moon shot Anna, and the details are tremendous ;) And I will try to see the crash on the 9th of October,but chances are that here the weather will be bad, - rainy and clouded... And am happy that it wasn't on my BD - the 9th of September as I love the Moon
Swubird said…

Very good shot of the moon. You are such a good photographer. And that was taken without a telescope? Fantastic.

Happy trails.
MedaM said…
Hi Anna, I am impressed with this moon and with the details that you captured with your camera.
Rajesh said…
Fantastic moon shot. You have perfected this art.
bluechameleon said…
Such a beautiful shot! I love the shadow and detail...lovely.
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks JJ, I am excited too, hopefully I will not miss it. I got myself a white board, and I will be hanging it on the wall front of me, that should help, lol. Thanks for your kind comment JJ again, and encouragement. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Max, I think I am getting better, but you know I still I don't know how I was able to sleep sitting up, lol.

Max you said: 'Simon is ruthless! But I heard he was leaving the show...' - he is ruthless, but you know he is usually right, lol, and I think that is why this show is a bit more exciting. He is leaving show, that kind of sucks ... but it will be interesting to find out who will be his replacement?

Thanks Max for visiting again, appreciated. Enjoy your weekend and will see you around again my dear.

Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
DSM thanks so much for visiting and commenting again. Too bad it is raining in Bangkok, hopefully it will stop soon. Hey here is idea, rain or water is one of my other favorite objects to photograph. Thanks again for your comment. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Hey TatianaV thanks so much. Yes me too I am hoping that we get good weather also. But then I know someone will get the impact for us to show and tell. May be even a video. With today's technology everything is possible.

Yes I am glad too....

Take care for now TatianaV, wishing you good weekend. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Swubird, no no its all the good looks of the moon and my 100-400mm telephoto lens, lol.

Thanks Swubird for your always kind comments, appreciated. Take care for now, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks Medam, yes the sky was very clear, and also the idea photographing partial moon give a lot more details. Thanks again for your visit my friend, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Rajesh I am almost there, just need to do more landscape photos, and I will be set. Thanks again for your comment, Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
bluechameleon, thanks so much for your kind comment and visit. Appreciated. Anna :)
Philip said…
Anna it will be pretty amazing to find water there what will they do with it once they find it ?? anyway I really like the detail in your moon shot :))
Mª Angeles said…
Un foto de la luna soberbia casi puedo tocarla, es impresionante. Saludos!!
Peter said…
Hi Anna! Those test messages were me testing out my new avatar and to see if it was showing up in the new addition blogger has added to the embedded comments ie. avatars.

If you look up "Blogger Buster" on the net, go to that site and Amanda the site owner has full instructions on how to set it up.

Again, sorry about the confusion!

Take Care,
myonlyphoto said…
Philip yes it will be amazing. And now the news just came out to, and we didn't even need that impact, lol. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Mª Angeles thanks so much for commenting and visiting, appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Peter no problem. I guess with this template design I may have the same issue, I cannot use the standard settings in the blogger. Thanks for the heads up, I will definitely look that up. No confusion at all, just me snooping around, lol. Anna :)
~mantamola~ said…
Hi Anna - Any idea about the exact time of the impact? It will be great to be able to shoot some photo of it.
I really enjoyed going through your blog.. It is very organized and helpful. Thanks and keep up the good work. I'm sure you are helping a lot of people.
Birdy Official said…
Thanks for the tips and suggestions. I always turn my camera toward moon, but never got a quality image. Actually with a lover quality camera it is almost impossible to get a nice image of the moon.
myonlyphoto said…
Hi mantamola, here is some info for you on the impact.

'On the morning of October 9, at 4:30 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (11:30 Universal Time), the upper stage of a Centaur rocket will purposefully crash into the crater Cabeus near the south pole of the moon. Four minutes later, a second probe will fly through the dredged-up lunar debris and analyze the material for signs of water. This event is part of NASA's LCROSS mission (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) to look for water on the surface of the moon. Such water might supply future manned lunar expeditions with drinking water, and allow the fabrication of rocket fuel for missions further into the solar system.

There's a chance... a small chance... that amateur astronomers might see the effects of this impact. A 10" to 12" telescope will be required, as well as a sharp eye, since the event will last just a fraction of a second. Observers in eastern North America and Europe are out of luck... the moon will be washed out by daylight at the time of impact. Observers in western North America and the Pacific will get the best chance at seeing this (ahem) "striking" event.'

And if you need more, here is NASA web link for more


Good Luck,

Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Photobraphy Tips thanks so much for your kind comment and kind visit to my blog. Appreciated. Anna :)
myonlyphoto said…
Thanks birdy, not really that much of camera, as lens. It is all about the zoom, how close you can get. But you know you can still capture nice landscape photos with the moon on the background, something I really didn't try yet. Thanks for the visit and comment again, Anna :)